Day 1

Zion Nation Park – Angels Landing

The Grotto


5 Miles

Round trip

4 hours

Hike duration

1500 Feet

Elevation gain




Driving from Los Angeles, California to Zion National Park takes about 6 hours. After doing this drive I recommend starting from Las Vegas Nevada. 

Hiking Angels Landing offers breathtaking views but isn’t for the faint of heart. To get to the end you have to climb a spine with steep drop offs on both sides. You may be tired after driving to the park so make sure to get a good lunch and rest in to rejuvenate your body before embarking on this adventure. The hike is only 5 miles long, but can be very hot and dry. 

To get to the trail head from the parking lot take a shuttle to The Grotto stop. Cross the street and river and follow the signs directing you up the hill. There will be plenty of people along with yourselves doing this hike so if you are in doubt, ask someone where to go. 


  • 5:00am Leave Los Angeles, California
  • 9:00am Breakfast in Las Vegas
  • 12:00pm Arrive at Zion National Park entrance and eat lunch
  • 1:00pm Begin hike to Angels Landing
  • 5:00pm Go to Zion Outfitter gear rentals to pick up The Narrows gear for the next morning. 
  • 5:30pm Exit park and check into hotel
  • 6:30pm Dinner & cocktails


  1. Save time by flying into and starting from Las Vegas, Nevada
  2. Don’t start the hike until you feel you have regained your energy from traveling
  3. Take your time. There are steep drop-offs on both sides
  4. Bring plenty of water


  1. Save time by flying into and starting from Las Vegas, Nevada
  2. Don’t start the Angels Landing hike until you feel you have regained your energy from traveling
  3. Take your time. There are steep drop-offs on both sides
  4. Bring plenty of water

Key Resources

Hotel Accommodations can be found within the park or shortly outside. If you stay outside the park you will save money but you will have to battle the crowds in the morning to re-enter the park and to find parking. 

Camping within the park far in advance. 

Park Information & Maps:

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